
L’imboscata di Trump a Zelensky che complica la pace
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Volodymyr Zelensky è finito nella trappola di Donald Trump
Quei simboli seminati nella cerimonia del giuramento a Capitol Hill
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l reverendo Frank Mann parla durante la cerimonia di inaugurazione della presidenza Trump
Trump vuole l’America in conflitto perenne
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Un agente della polizia doganale Usa controlla un migrante alla frontiera con il Messico
Trump: Israele dovrebbe colpire i siti nucleari dell'Iran
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epa11642584 Former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gestures after speaking to the news media with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (not pictured) in the wake of damage and recovery from Hurricane Helene in Evans, Georgia, USA, 04 October 2024. The Augusta area suffered major damage after Helene swept through. Trump is running against Democratic US Vice President Kamala Harris. EPA/ERIK S. LESSER
Trump, 'distruggerò l'Iran se attacca un candidato Usa'
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epa11624263 Former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event at the Mosack Group, a commercial plumbing manufacturer in Mint Hill, North Carolina, USA, 25 September 2024. Trump is running against Democratic US Vice President Kamala Harris. EPA/ERIK S. LESSER
Trump, da Iran grandi minacce alla mia vita
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epa11622860 Former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump participates in a campaign event on changing the tax code and promoting US manufacturing at the Johnny Mercer Theatre in Savannah, Georgia, USA, 24 September 2024. EPA/ERIK S. LESSER
Trump, 'sarò il protettore delle donne', bufera sui social
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epa11622703 Former US president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump participates in a campaign event on changing the tax code and promoting US manufacturing at the Johnny Mercer Theatre in Savannah, Georgia, USA, 24 September 2024. EPA/ERIK S. LESSER
Trump, 'se perdo a novembre non mi ripresento nel 2028'
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epa11614972 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Israeli American Council (IAC) Conference at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC, USA, 19 September 2024. EPA/WILL OLIVER
Trump, 'se non vinco Israele sarà sradicato'
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epa11614965 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Israeli American Council (IAC) Conference at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC, USA, 19 September 2024. EPA/WILL OLIVER
Trump, probabilmente vedrò Zelensky la prossima settimana
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epa11612964 Former US President and Republican nominee for President Donald Trump speaks during a rally at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York, USA, 18 September 2024. EPA/SARAH YENESEL